Having taken considerable trouble to come up with a name for Computergram that wasn’t already being used in any of our potential major markets, we can’t feel over-sympathetic to Comcen Technology Ltd, which has had a heavy-handed knock on the door from NCR Corp over its decision to call its 80386 machine the Comcen 386 Tower: Comcen protests that Guy’s Hospital’s Tower Computer Centre or even Blackpool Tower could find themselves at the receiving end of a solicitor’s letter from the Daytoner’s solicitors, but if memory serves, the term Tower was not widely used for pedestal configurations before NCR came out with its Tower Unix line – and why not call it the Comcen Pedestal? Or Upright? Or Slimline? Or Tallboy? (No it wouldn’t be a good idea to call it the Comcen Commode).