NCR Corp prevailed on analysts International Data Corp to extrapolate from some unpublished server data it had laying about, and declare it number one in selling NT-based servers prices over $50,000 in 1995. IDC awards NCR 65.8% of a US market valued at $83.7m. While NCR’s hegemony in that class may not be a surprise, the name of the runner up is. Data General Corp, which has apparently been hiding its light under a bushel, came in second with 15% to 20% of the market. Compaq Computer Corp ranks first in the overall 1995 NT server market with a score just shy of 50% followed by NCR with 11.2%, Digital Equipment Corp with 11%, Hewlett Packard Co with 10% and IBM Corp with 7.5%. The market, not including European and Japanese vendors, is valued by IDC at $1.4bn in total.
