NCR Corp has bounced IBM and the RS/6000 at Wal-Mart Stores Inc, largest and fastest growing retailer in the US, supplying its NCR System 3000 processors for installation in over 800 of its stores, for completion by September 1: the NCR 3445 uniprocessor server based on the 33MHz 80486 will replace IBM Series 1 minis will function as applications servers and external gateways to Wal-Mart’s satellite network to Wal-Mart’s central computer located in its headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas, and provide support for both NCR and alien point-of-sale controllers and pharmacy systems; no value was given for the pact, put at $40m all told, which is being shared in equal parts with Hewlett-Packard Co, which is supplying HP 9000 Unix boxes for another 800 Wal-Marts.