The shifting group of companies behind the Network Computer Reference Profile, now simplified to the Network Computer Profile, has finally gathered the funding together to employ the Open Group (TOG) to establish a branding and certification program for network computers. The group that forged the original spec in May last year – Apple Computer Inc, IBM Corp, Netscape Communications Corp, Oracle Corp and Sun Microsystems Inc – has now dropped Apple and added Digital Equipment Corp’s Digital Semiconductor. Netscape was represented by its Navio subsidiary, but that is in the process of being handed over to Oracle’s Network Computer Inc unit, though Netscape itself does want to participate, according to NCI’s VP business operations Jim Lynch. Yesterday’s move was expected (CI No 3,096), and involves TOG establishing a test on its website, which NC vendors will be able to complete and submit.. Providing they comply, the NCs will be registered with TOG will have permission to use the branding and NC logo. But the test suite and logo are still being worked on by TOG at its Reading, Berkshire headquarters in the UK. The spec calls for the support of non-controversial, non-platform and non- processor-specific standards, such as the ability to process URLs, to execute Java by the inclusion of a Java virtual Machine and basic class libraries, a user interface and to send e-mail using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) with MIME attachments. Support for ftp and telnet are optional. Network services must be TCP/IP compliant and support User Datagram Protocol (UDP) for domain name services. Further down the line the profile will be enhanced to embrace servers. The profile group is apparently very close to agreeing a common boot protocol so that any vendor’s server can boot any other vendor’s NC providing they comply. It will be centered on the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). There will also be more management specifications added to the profile in time. The group has already announced support for smart cards, but that will be added to the profile later, which can be viewed at (CI No 3,129).