NBI Inc, the Boulder, Colorado office automation systems specialist that has been frantically restructuring to put itself out of reach of investment groups seeking to engineer a sale of the company, reckons that its plans have gone so well that it no longer needs to consider being acquired as an option. It has asked its financial advisor, Hambrecht & Quist Inc to halt all efforts to find a buyer. Now under the leadership of industry veteran Steve Jerritts – who said he didn’t come aboard to preside over sale of the company – NBI’s priority is a return to profits. Capitalising on the manifold woes created by the UK postal strike – and the millions of vows being made never again to commit to the mail anything that could be sent another way – NBI Ltd in Isleworth, Middlesex has rushed forward a facsimile communications software module that will enable any user on an NBI 500 series network to send facsimile documents direct from his or her terminal. NBI FaxIT will be a free addition to the OASys document processing and management software, enabling users to enter the name and phone number of the recipient into the document and send it to a facsimile machine, treating it in the same way as other electronic mail. I believe we are seeing the last of the postal service as we know it, declares sales dir ector Paul Brenchley: In future, all important mail will be sent by fax, telex or electronic mail.