In addition, the National University System will deploy the Talisma CRM across all of its Affiliate institutions, including National University, National Polytechnic College of Science, Spectrum Pacific Learning Company, National University Virtual High School, WestMed College, National University Academy of Health Sciences, and National University International.

Talisma, an arm of nGenera, provides customer interaction management (CIM) software. In September 2008, it has launched the latest version of its multi channel systems, to add extra capabilities to Talisma Chat, Talisma Email and reporting.

The Talisma CRM will initially be used across the National University System for recruitment and admissions with the full scope of the deployment currently being defined. The National University System already uses the Talisma’s CRM and Knowledgebase in its contact center for agent- assisted student concierge services as well as student self-service, under the direction of the Spectrum Pacific Learning Company.

Craig Stanford, vice president of higher education at Talisma, said: The National University System is like many of our customers who come to Talisma for our ‘out of the box’ functionality for higher education. Customizing a CRM is just too time consuming and therefore too costly for your typical institution. Talisma’s CRM is designed and built specifically for higher education, allowing our clients to deploy the solution in as few as 90 days, and continue to evolve the solution to meet future needs through wizard driven configuration.