The Software Tools Demonstration Centre at the National Computing Centre in Manchester has produced two new Tool Samplers to support the 4GL Sampler released last year. One of the samplers covers Project Management, and the other Analysis and Design. The centre, which was formed in September 1986 with the support of a UKP3m contract from the Department of Trade and Industry, is the UK’s independent base for the development of software. The Government’s aim in sponsoring the scheme is to foster a greater awareness of engineering methods and tools, and encourage software developers to use them. As its name implies, the Software Tools centre will will organise demonstrations, free of charge, for companies interested in software development. It has the largest collection of software tools in the UK. When new tools enter the market they are evaluated and the best are added to the demonstration portfolio as those that have become obsolete are discarded. The centre is completely independent so there is no pressure to buy the software you are evaluating. The centre runs a UKP200-a-day Tool School (sorry, but that’s what they call it) where visitors can gain hands-on experience with a large number of tools. It also provides a consultancy service at standard consultancy rates. Funding for the centre lasts until the end of 1988 when it becomes a self-supporting unit of the NCC. The new Tool Samplers retail for UKP665 and are being demonstrated in Bristol today and in London tomorrow.