Paris, France-based Nat Systems Inc has revved its NatStar C- based application development tools, adding support for legacy systems and application management. Version 2.1 includes legacy support for RPC on Bull’s GCOS8 mainframes, automatic generation of static SQL for DB2, MVS/CICS support and support for batch applications. It’ll have an internet application development support story to tell soon, it claims. Other support includes Object Modeling Technique and services and tools for the management of multiple versions of an application under development. Developers will be able to designate versions of several objects in the repository, including classes, libraries and process models. NatStar’s version management facilities will be implemented using Intersolv’s PVCS. Version 2.10 is available from this month. Privately-held Nat Systems employs 260 people and claims an installed base of 550 companies with 6,500 licenses.