Fresh from its acquisition by CMGI, AltaVista Co has announced MyAltaVista and AltaVista Finance, which it says are the first of many new channels. Like other My- portals, MyAltaVista offers local news, business directories, mapping services, entertainment listings and shopping guides. Users can change the position of links on the page and even change the background color.

AltaVista Finance aims to provide a snapshot of financial content, including stock quotes, portfolio tracking, stock and market information, news and commentary. A content deal with Raging Bull is the first to leverage AltaVista’s synergy with properties elsewhere in CMGI.

Neglected by DEC, all but ignored by Compaq – is AltaVista late to the portal market? Not at all, says VP of new media Ross Levinsohn. I think it’s an advantage, he says of the search engine’s long-delayed blossoming. The internet’s just starting, and we have the advantage of learning the good and the bad of what’s out there. There’s no negative legacy.