Mutualink has unveiled the new smartphone powered interoperable gateway device, Smartphone Commander, provides field functionality on the company’s distributed ad-hoc multi-media interoperable emergency communications resource sharing platform.

Mutualink said that the new interoperable device which operates on Google’s Android mobile platform enables on scene incident commanders to create incident defined interoperable communication sessions, invite participants and remove disparate communication assets on the fly, including two-way radio, video, telephony and data.

According to Mutualink, the multimedia interoperable emergency communications platform enables real-time interoperable communications sharing across disparate communications assets and agencies, including two radios, mobile and landline phones, video and data, on an invitation and incident basis.

In addition, through architecture and operational model, each agency will retain control of its communications assets, resolving autonomy and control issues that prevent or limit multiple agencies from working together, the company claims.

Reportedly, participants on Mutualink’s interoperable communication resource sharing network maintain radio, video and other communication resource control by accepting or rejecting invitations, contributing or removing their communication assets and exiting incidents at their discretion.