About 10,000 Muslims protested outside the search engine giant Google’s offices in London, UK to force the firm to remove an anti-Islamic film from its video-sharing website YouTube.

Protestors reveal that the film named as ‘The Innocence of Muslims’, an American-produced film which abuses the Prophet Mohammad and degrades Muslims, is still available on the website YouTube, a Google subsidiary.

Organiser Masoud Alam said was quoted by The Telegraph as saying that their next protest will be at the offices of Google and YouTube across the world.

"We are looking to ban this film," Alam said.

"This is not freedom of expression, there is a limit for that. This insult of the Prophet will not be allowed.

"Until it is banned we will keep protesting."

The video had sparked protests at US embassies and consulates in various countries, including Egypt, Yemen, Sudan, Libya, Indonesia, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

YouTube spokesperson said that the firm works hard to create a community everyone can enjoy and which also enables people to express different opinions.

"This can be a challenge because what’s OK in one country can be offensive elsewhere, spokesperson said.

"This video – which is widely available on the Web – is clearly within our guidelines and so will stay on YouTube."