Oracle Corp, Redwood Shores, California is convinced that services such as video on demand are going to be enormous business in a few years, and is determined to be right there at the heart of things. It says it plans to unveil the Oracle Media Library, an audio, text, image, relational and video server early next year as part of its plans to be part of the information highway. The company’s founder and chief executive Larry Ellison told Reuter that Oracle Media Library 7.1 will be at a major event in January, and the company later noted that the media library will be one of many new products and partnerships the company will announce in January as part of its efforts to be part of the information highway. As reported, the firm is already working with US West Inc to develop a multimedia information server, but the company says this is a separate effort from the Oracle Media Library, the latter being a more generally applicable product: You can think of it as a universal database, the company explained.