Multiflow Computer, Inc, the Branford, Connecticut builder of very long instruction word scientific computers has been going through a difficult time since it launched its Trace series of machines, but the company has won a powerful partner which it hopes will help it ease its problems. It has won a joint marketing agreement from Tektronix Inc, under which the Beaverton, Oregon company will co-operate in marketing Multiflow’s Traces as compute servers for the Tektronix family of high-resolution graphics netstations and workstations – the newest of which are described in page two today. The agreement calls for ships of Multiflow computers and Tektronix netstations and workstations as an integrated computing system for design engineers and others in the mechanical and electronic engineering computer-aided design, and computational chemistry markets. Both companies will dedicate technical and marketing reps to the project, and Tek is the third comp any after Apollo Computer and Sili con Graphics to sign such joint marketing agreement with Multiflow.