Berkeley, California-based software house Mt Xinu Inc has added SCSI support and a colour X Window server for VGA displays to its Mach386 implementation of Carnegie Mellon University’s Unix-derived Mach operating system for Intel 80386-based AT-bus computer systems. The binary system, launched in January, is targeted at commercial developers, academic researchers, and users with 80386-based machines that learned Berk-eley Unix at university. The software runs on AT-bus IBM-compatible personal computers. Mt Xinu also offers source versions of Mach for users needing access to source code. And users with colour VGA displays can develop or work with Unix-based colour graphics applications. The new X server uses the extended eight-bit modes of super VGA cards, and the VGA colour look-up table to display 256 of 262,000 possible colours at a time. This enables applications to be run which use smooth shading or closely-spaced colours. The Mach operating system, which has been adopted by the Open Software Foundation, was designed as a foundation for more modern and extensible Unix-based software systems. Besides the 4.3 BSD interface, Mt Xinu Mach386 includes the TCP/IP networking from Berkeley’s Tahoe Release, NFS, the X Window System V.11 R.4, and GNU utilities from the Free Software Foundation.