MRO has acquired the assets of Record Enterprises (REI), a provider of release-of-information solutions. The acquisition is effective September 1, 2009.

MRO anticipates that the acquisition will enable to expand its market presence in Virginia and Tennessee, states where Record Enterprises. currently services healthcare providers.

Stephen Hynes, president and chief operating officer of MRO, said: “MRO continues to enjoy a rapid expansion of our business, including the number of staffed sites we service. But in order to sustain that growth, we understand that we must continuously improve and enhance the services we offer to our customers. Don’s demonstrated expertise in the release-of-information process, compliance and medical-records operations will be an asset to all areas of our company. Don brings a unique and very valuable knowledge base to MRO, and we have every confidence that Don’s contributions will be central to our continued growth.”

Don Hardwick, founder of REI, said: “MRO is a natural fit for REI’s customers. They will benefit from MRO’s technology, which is hands down, the finest in the business. MRO’s ROI Online application and service provides an unmatched level of oversight, more control over the ROI process, better quality assurance and faster delivery of records to requesters. Existing REI customers will now enjoy an enhanced efficiency and cost-effectiveness in their ROI operations.”

The integration of the two companies will take place over a 90-day period.