US-based Moxie Software revealed its enterprise social software Employee Spaces in Europe at the Social Business Forum in Milan, Italy.

Moxie, with European operations in London since 2000, has developed the new service in collaboration with design agency IDEO.

Employee Spaces is built for "The Way People Work," with rich Web 2.0 and social collaboration capabilities, making it easy for people to connect with people, work in groups and collaborate on projects, said the company.

The application allows employees, customers and partners to find experts, connect people, share knowledge and collaborate.

The company said, with the new application, users can quickly find everything they need including conversations (micro-blogging), blogs, wikis, discussion forums, videos and ideation all in the context of their projects.

It added, Employee Spaces’ multi-tenant SaaS architecture leverages the latest social media technologies, which enables companies to roll-out the application quickly and cost effectively. It also allows users to personalise and tailor the tool to their company’s culture.

Moxie Software CEO Tom Kelly said knowledge is at the core of social collaboration, and Employee Spaces has created new ways for individuals to reveal passions and expertise, for teams to share knowledge, and for global organisations to collaborate easily to accelerate innovation.

Kelly said, "Moxie Software’s Employee Spaces combines the best of social networking and Web 2.0 technologies with the security and scalability required by enterprises to bring people to knowledge faster than any other solution in the market."

Recently, Moxie Software added mobile and rich media sharing capabilities to Employee Spaces with a native iPhone App and an optimised browser for Blackberry and other mobile devices.