Motorola Inc’s UK division, Motorola Ltd, has produced a report on British attitudes towards technology. Called Prepared for the Future? The British and Technology, the Market Opinion Research International report found that information technology is reinforcing the divides in British society, with men, Southerners, younger age goups, the employed and those in higher socio-economic groups forging ahead in the job market as a result of their knowledge and use of computers. The report found that 53% of women admitted to fears of being left behind in computing skills compared with 46% of men and that anyone over the age of 45 lagged behind in their knowledge and use of computers. When it came to on-line services the report found that the British public, espec ially those under 25, were generally prepared to use them. Although the same age bracket was reported to be the most worried about missing out on human contact. Lastly, the report concluded that those that are computerate are more likely to work longer hours than those that aren’t.