Motorola is ready to begin its first UMTS infrastructure field trials in Germany. They will begin in early 2002, based upon a series of successful UMTS tests since September 2001 at the Motorola laboratory in Wiesbaden, Germany.

Current lab tests at the Wiesbaden facility already have achieved transfer rates of more than 144 kilobit/s. The tests focus on data applications using live video streaming, MP3 music downloading, interactive video games and live office applications such as Windows NetMeeting via UMTS.

Motorola’s Personal Communications Sector currently has UMTS mobile phone prototypes available for testing. Since signing a contract worth an estimated $700 million for 3G wireless devices earlier this year, Motorola has made steady progress interoperability testing with key infrastructure vendors. Motorola plans to deliver commercial 3G terminals, supporting GSM, GPRS and UMTS by the third quarter of 2002.