Motorola Inc is set to make major strategic announcements in early March following internal re-structuring, designed to elevate the position of its Computer Systems Division to a more important part of its overall operations. The division has been re-designated as the General Systems Sector under Ed Staiano, and will include Cellular Radio business to tie in with local area networking. Motorola reportedly plans to push its systems business on a level with its mainstream semiconductor business. Sales of Motorola’s Delta 3000 and 8000 series, which are sold both direct and through OEM agreements with companies such as Philips and Datapoint, totalled 6,945 in 1989, up from 4,074 in 1988, bringing the company’s installed base up to 13,000. Next month, Motorola will launch its first 68040-based VME modules, and later in the year plans upwards and downwards extensions to its RISC-based 88000 family of Delta machines.