Motorola Inc’s shares slumped $7 even to $52.75 on disappointment that the company’s increase in third quarter net profit – up 15% at $102m, page five – wasn’t better: the company says that in the quarter, sales in the Communications Sector rose 7% and orders increased 17% but operating profits were lower because of continuing investments in new systems, the development of the radio data communications business, and costs associated with the consolidation of the Mobile and Portable Products Divisions; the Semiconductor Products Sector’s sales increased 14%, orders rose 9%, and operating profits were higher; in the General Systems Sector, sales rose 34%, orders 54%; Information Systems Group sales rose 8%, orders rose 31%; Government Electronics sales fell 7%, orders were 45% lower, but profits rose; and Automotive and Industrial Electronics Group sales rose 13%, orders 9%; profits rose.