Motorola Inc’s Computer Group in Tempe, Arizona has at last started building the 25MHz 68040 into a family of multi-user systems and servers launched as the DeltaSeries 4000 family the name appears to have collapsed into one word. The company also expanded its DeltaSeries 8000 RISC-based machines with new models using the 25MHz M88100 single board computer. The four 4000 machiens run Motorola’s implementation of Unix System V/68 Release 3.0, Version 7. The new DeltaSeries 8000 systems support System V/88 3.2.3 and will provide compatible migration to M88000-based System V/88 4.0. The new families use the MVME167 and MVME187 single board computers res pectively and the DeltaSer ies 4000 systems are rated at 26 MIPS on Dhrystone 1.1 measurements, with prices starting at $9,470. The single processor RISC mod els are rated at 38 MIPS on the same benchmark and they start at $7,000. DeltaSer ies 4000 shipments start in mid-November, and the 8000s started shipping this week.