Dutch maker of high speed scanners Scan View NV, has appointed Intermicro as its Russian distributor: Intermicro says despite high prices, scanners will be popular in publishing. – o – Dell Computer Corp’s master distributor, Moscow-based Intermicro Business Systems has signed a one year agreement with Siemens Nixdorf Osteuropa GmbH under which both firms will distribute each other’s banking computer systems and software: Intermicro Business Systems will sell Siemens Nixdorf cash dispensing machines, printers, cash registers and RISC servers, install Siemens Nixdorf banking systems and provide training; the companies’ marketing and advertising will be integrated, but that deal does not include Dell personal computers.

Moscow banks Sberbank, Vozrozhdenie, MMKB and Unikombank are to create their own private X25 network to be used for communication with their divisions and branches: the banks plan to organise a tender to find suppliers for the project; a major function of the network will be to improve data communications with towns close to Moscow, such as Shchelkovo, Podolsk, which are at present very poorly served.

St Petersburg-based PeterStar, has signed a $2.9m contract with AT&T Corp’s St Petersburg outfit to provide equipment that will enable the integration of the PeterStar digital network into the analogue city network: AT&T St Petersburg was formed two years ago with local company Dalnyaya Svyaz and AT&T Network Systems International.

A second Radio Shack shop in Moscow has been opened by Trident/Radio Shack-Russia on Shcholkovskoye Shosse 3: the shop stocks consumer electronics, as well as computers and software; the majority of the systems are supplied by Tandy Corp.

Compaq Computer Corp dealer Computer Group Ukraine has a $100,000 contract to supply the Ukrainian Space Agency with Compaq and Sun Microsystems Inc equipment: Computer Group Ukraine, founded in 1993 to specialise in large computer projects, has supplied the Ukrainian President’s Office, Yuzmash in Dnipropetrovsk, Legbank and Kharkov City Administration.