Xbox One launches worldwide

Microsoft’s new game console, the Xbox One, has been globally launched.

The new console went on sale in the UK at midnight with around 300 game shops and 100 Tesco stores staying open to be the first to sell the devices.

The launch comes a week after the US launch of Sony’s PlayStation 4 (which is released in the UK next week) as the two consoles will battle it over Christmas sales.

In the UK the Xbox One is expected to cost about £429 (514 euros) and the PlayStation 4 £349.


Samsung to pay Apple $290m for iPhones copyright infringement

Samsung has been ordered to pay $290m to Apple for copying iPhone and iPad features on its devices.

The verdict from a California jury comes after a previous verdict found that Samsung owed Apple $1.05bn for
the copyright infringement, but this has been overturned.

Apple said in a statement: "For Apple, this case has always been about more than patents and money. It has been about innovation and the hard work that goes into inventing products that people love.

"While it’s impossible to put a price tag on those values, we are grateful to the jury for showing Samsung that copying has a cost."

Samsung had argued that Apple should not have ownership over technology like what Samsung said was the "basic rectangle" shape of smartphones.


Facebook sues spammer over fake Justin Bieber sex tape links

Facebook has launched legal action against an alleged spammer who was sharing links to a supposed sex tape of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez to spread malicious malware.

Christopher Peter Tarquini has been charged after users who clicked the links were redirected to sites that allegedly paid Mr Tarquini for hits.

After clicking on the link which allegedly featured the two young popstars, users would receive a pop-up message asking for access to their Facebook account which would let the app take control and spam the message to the user’s friends.

Facebook said it had a confession from Mr Tarquini that he had written the program that took over accounts and posted faked links. Now it says it wants to be reimbursed for the cost of clearing up after Mr Tarquini and for the work it has done to track him down. In addition, it wants him banned from ever using Facebook again.