Silk Road mastermind appears in court

Ross Ulbricht, the alleged administrator behind illegal marketplace, Silk Road, has appeared in court.

The website that sold drugs and illegal substances online was shut down by officials last week when Ulbricht was arrested. The site was only accessable via Tor, making it more diofficult for authorities to track locations.

Ulbricht is also accused of trying to arrange the killing of one the sites users after they threatened to expose details of the sites users. Ulbricht has been deemed to dangerous to be bailed according to US prosecutors.


Leaked manual gives clues to Google Nexus 5

Google’s latest smartphone, the Nexus 5, which is set for release later this year, has had some of its features revealed.

A leaked service manual draft has exposed some details on the phone. TechCrunch have revealed from the manual that the new Nexus will be available in 16 or 32GB variants, with an LTE radio and 8mpx real camera with optical image stabilization, NFC and wireless charging.

Images of the soon-to-be-released phone have previosuly been seen in promotional videos by Google. Staff in the background have been filming and taking photos on what appears to be the new Nexus model, teasing customers of what is to come.


Amazon staff in Germany to strike over pay

Amazon may be facing strike action in the run up to Christmas as staff in Germany threaten to down tools.

Staff in Germany have already gone on strike this year over wages. The German services union Verdi has around 2.2 million members and wants to force Amazon to negotiate a collective wage agreement that complies with standards in the German retail sector.

If staff at the online retailer do strike during the Christmas period at Amazon’s German distribution centres in Leipzig, Saxony and Bad Hersfeld, it could have serious implications for Amazon during its busiest time of the year.