Complicated stuff, Apple code names: while Apple UK sources dubbed the first PowerPC-based servers Red Dwarf, Polaris and Blue Giant (CI No 2,319): however MacWeek reports a new server, due out this autumn, which it says bears the moniker Brigadoon. The machine will be initially based on an 80MHz 601, and have six PCI slots. The magazine also hears that two new machines for the education market will be launched in the US early next moonth. Both will have an integral CD-ROM drive. The LC 550 is essentially an LC 520 with the processor upgraded to a 33MHz 68030. The new LC 575 will have a 25MHz 68LC040. Meanwhile the company has given the WorkGroup Server 95 machine its expected mid-life kicker. The new version is expected to ship by the end of February, with a new storage subsystem that increases hard-disk performance and supports capacities of up to 10Gb. Apple says AppleShare Pro 1.1 will improve performance by up to 40% – though it neglects to say exactly what it is measuring. The new software also runs on existing models.