Fabless graphics board vendor 3DLabs Inc has signed some new recruits to take its graphics processors, including the Glint MX. Hitachi Ltd is taking two products, one containing the Glint processor from AccelGraphics Inc that it will use in its new line of personal workstations. San Jose, California-based 3DLabs first announced the graphics accelerator in June (CI No 3,156) and claims Glint MX will double the polygon performance of its predecessors to 1 million polygons per second. Hitachi will take a second product for its workstations containing 3DLabs’ second generation Permedia accelerator. The Permedia accelerator family was launched shortly after Glint MX hit the street and operates twice as fast as previous models, accelerating two and three dimensional graphics, according to the company (CI No 3,167). Somerset, New Jersey-based Quantex Microsystems Inc has also put some business 3DLabs’ way and will use the Fire GL 1000 Permedia 2-based professional graphics accelerator from Multimedia Systems Inc.