Facebook stats reveal that by the end of 2011 its mobile MAUs growth had grown from 245 million in December 2010, a 76% increase.

In the report by Inside Facebook, over 13% (58 million) of the 432 million accessed the site exclusively through mobile applications or websites.

The remaining 372 million accessed Facebook through more than one means; such as a combination of logging in through a PC and mobile device during that month.


Facebook said in its SEC filing:

"Improving our mobile products and increasing mobile usage of Facebook are key company priorities that we believe are critical to help us maintain and grow our user base and engagement over the long term."

The quick growth of mobile use comes as no surprise and tablets and mobiles are becoming a preferred means of accessing the internet.

Research by mobile consumer interaction specialist, Mblox, revealed that 21% of young people (18 to 24 year olds) prefer to purchase products or access services on their mobile phones rather than a PC

Mblox research also found that 90% of people aged 18 -24 are spending up to five hours a day on their mobile devices.


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