Yahoo and BT Mail users have found themselves unable to login into the service as of 13:30 GMT.

What appears to be a serious service outage for Yahoo Mail, and BT Mail by extension, has left thousands of customers unable to acess their accounts across the UK and Europe, with reports starting to come in from the US.

This is as the latest in a string of fiasco’s for BT today as just this morning news broke that the company’s Italian Division was to be devalued £530m prompting an 18% drop in share prices, followed by an announcement that BT European President would be resigning in the wake of the fiasco.

Yahoo are certainly no strangers to service problems on a massive scale either, in 2016 a severe incident caused the service to remain unusable for several days, locking out users from any and all emails. The outtage was later blamed on a severed underwater cable, but by then the damage was done.

BT Mail

The company’s official consumer care twitter account posted about the latest outage saying: “Sorry if you’re having problems accessing BT Yahoo Mail this afternoon, we’re aware of a problem & are working with Yahoo! to fix asap” but this hasn’t sat well with many users.

“why are we having these problems I pay good money for this service” tweeted one user.

“Been going on all afternoon. When is a fix likely to happen” stated another.

And echoing a growing sentiment in the crowd “Maybe you should offload Yahoo – they provide BT customers with nothing but problems!”

While it certainly hasn’t been BT’s day it’s also worth noting that Yahoo has encountered it’s own problems lately including a new investigation into a disclosed data breach at the behest of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

BT says they are currently working with Yahoo to return services to normal as quickly as possible.