AEG AG’s Fort Lauderdale, Florida-based Modular Computer Systems Inc has expanded its Tri-Dimensional 9200 Series with the Tri-D 9260 real-time computer system, which runs the company’s proprietary MAX 32 real-time operating system rather than the Real/IX Unix. The Tri-D 9260 system offers improved price-performance over its predecessors in the 9200 Series, being almost twice as fast as the Tri-D 9250, about three times the speed of the 9230 systems, from which it can be upgraded by swapping out the single processor board – all Tri-D 9200s have self-contained CPU chassis, common memory, common intelligent input-output sequencer modules. The proprietary processor, upwards-compatible from ModComp’s old Classic machines, is implemented using application specific integrated CMOS circuits and surface mount technology. Balancing the three time-critical dimensions of real-time computing – computational speed, interrupt handling and input-output throughput, the Tri-D 9260 is rated at 7M-Whetstones, 8.8Mbytes-per-second throughput, and is designed to process more than 100,000 interrupts per second. Standard features of include single-board 50nS CPU, IEEE-754 floating point support on the CPU board, 128Kb four-way set-associative data cache, 32-way fully associative map-address cache, three-cycle byte instructions, and 128 register sets of 16 registers each. It ships in May, and prices start at $176,000.