There is more interest being seen in mobile enterprise applications among businesses across North America, according to analysis from Frost & Sullivan.

82% of respondents reported the deployment of at least one mobile worker application, a rise from 73% in 2013. 49% of North American businesses have adopted between one and ten applications, indicating a significant acceptance of these solutions.

The Frost & Sullivan analysis, ‘2014 North American Mobile Enterprise Applications’, revealed that approximately nine out of ten current users are very or somewhat satisfied with these solutions, based on a survey of 300 decision-makers for purchases of mobile software apps.

"Satisfaction levels among businesses that have implemented mobile worker applications have risen after previously showing a descending trend," said Frost & Sullivan Customer Research AnalystDiana Herrera.

"Current users cited increased employee productivity and business process efficiencies as key business impacts influencing satisfaction levels."

The top three benefits of mobile enterprise apps, cited by those surveyed, included improved customer engagement, competitive advantage and customer satisfaction.

The analysis found that data security continues to be the strongest barrier for adoption, with the high cost of mobile enterprise applications the second-strongest factor discouraging the uptake of these solutions.

"To take advantage of these developments, market participants across North America will have to design their products and strategies based on customer preferences," stated Herrera.

"The majority of businesses prefer to purchase mobile enterprise applications that are pre-built or prepackaged to some degree rather than create an application from scratch. Businesses of all sizes also tend to choose wireless carriers and major corporate software vendors as their mobility partners."