According to a report from display advertisement specialist Criteo, 44% of ecommerce transactions are now done through smartphones in the UK.

The report predicts that this number will rise further with the adoption of larger screen devices like theiPhone 6 and Samsung Galaxy.

According to the report, ecommerce transactions carried out via mobile will account for 45% of all transactions in the UK by the end of this year, and account for 40% of transactions globally.

Criteo chief product officer Critero Jonathan Wolf said, "Mobile commerce is growing like a weed."

"In just the last three months there was a 10 percent increase in mobile transactions in the US alone.

"Smartphones are now the majority of mobile transactions, and the growth of larger screen sizes and better mobile sites is only going to accelerate this trend."

Analysts said that consumers are now browsing through the same amount of products on mobile as they are when viewing it on their desktops, however the mobile conversion rates are low.

The report said the low conversion could be due to weaknesses in turning product views into completed purchases.

The majority of all ecommerce transactions in Japan and South Korea are now done through mobile, while the UK emerged as third in terms of transactions done through mobile.

Wolf said, "The huge growth in mobile transactions over the past quarter shows that consumers are now very comfortable purchasing on smartphones across all categories."

"There really is no limit to this growth – mobile is now more than half of all eCommerce transactions in advanced markets like Japan and South Korea."

The repot has been compiled based on analysis of individual transaction-level data from more than $160bn sales.