Media companies will be able to view mobile web audience rankings by site, the demographic composition of mobile web domains, and the day of week and time of day behavior that defines mobile web traffic. The MeterDirect service also collects detailed information about mobile application usage, including messaging, title and channel level music and video consumption.

Direct media measurement is critical to programmers, media planners and advertisers as they come to rely on the mobile channel as a component of their traditional and new media campaigns, said Andy Brown, CEO of KMR Group, the media research business of advertising company WPP. According to Brown, without the reach, frequency and duration data provided by M:Metrics’ service, integrating the mobile channel into the company’s broad scale campaigns had been a guessing game.

M:Metrics says MeterDirect is a syndicated media measurement service based on data collected from its proprietary panel of smartphone device owners, selected to represent a population which accounts for a highly disproportionate share of mobile data services usage. The patent-pending M:Meter continuously and unobtrusively monitors messaging, browsing, application and media usage. At launch, clients who subscribe to MeterDirect can access data collected from M:Metrics panels in the UK and the US, through an interactive web interface.

While smartphones are only a small portion of all handsets in active use, M:Metrics claims that these terminals account for a disproportionately high portion of all mobile web page views. According to Crisp Wireless, a mobile technology and solutions company that builds, hosts and powers news and information mobile websites, about 42% of all page views for sites that it hosts come from smartphone-class devices, including BlackBerry, Palm and Windows Mobile operating systems.