Mitsubishi Electric Corp has come out with a new generation of its Melcom-80 series of proprietary business computers: there are five models, the Melcom System 10GR(V) with 4Mb to 12Mb main memory, 80Mb to 320Mb disk, and support for up to eight workstations, at $21,500; System 20GR(V), same memory, 135Mb to 540Mb disk, $29,500; System GR(VI), same memory and 250Mb to 1Gb disk, $39,225; System GR(V), with 4Mb to 16Mb memory and 320Mb to 2.56Gb disk, $66,130; and System 4-GR(V), 4Mb to 16Mb, 660Mb to 7.92Gb disk, support for 64 workstations, at $101,935; prices include wrokstation, printer and operating system; features include improved memory capacity, disk capacity up by 30% to 100%, reduced power consumption and weight; SCSI interface for connection of multi-media devices; FTAM File Transfer and Access Method support; high-speed distributed processing support in conjunction with the AX-standard Maxy personal computers and other office comptuers, making the range suitable for transaction processing; it can also support a Greo super-high-speed relational database processor.