The law, which came into effect August 28, requires the subject lines of unsolicited commercial email to be prefixed with the label ADV: or ADV:ADLT if it contains adult material. Spammers must also include a valid opt-out function.

One lawsuit was filed against Phillip Nixon of Palm Beach, Florida. The attorney general claims Nixon sent spam without the proper labeling, and refused to honor requests to be opted out of future mailings.

The other suit claims improper labeling and was filed against of Boca Raton, Florida. In both cases the emails were sent to, which Nixon’s office maintains as a spam honeypot.

The law permits the attorney general to sue for an injunction and up to $5,000 in damages per violation. Missouri spam victims are encouraged to report spam attacks to Nixon’s office.

This article was based on material originally published by ComputerWire.