Crystal Reports aims to give Missouri educators immediate access to current academic performance data, enabling them to analyze information quickly, develop strategies to bolster student achievement and comply with state and federal mandates.
The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) intends to employ Crystal Reports to aggregate data at the district and state levels, or at the school, classroom and individual student level, which it is hoped will provide administrators with reports that measure student performance and enable them to perform trend analysis.
The Missouri DESE is also using Business Objects to monitor data on Missouri educators and the classes they teach. This data intends to ensure that teachers are instructing classes that best match their qualifications. Superintendents, principals, and teachers also rely on this data to develop curriculum, inform instructional planning meetings, and solve potential problems.
It is also expected that the platform will allow employees to easily access information online and distribute reports via the web.
Given the reality of reduced funding and increased accountability, public schools today need to be more focused than ever on their students’ performance, and develop long-term strategies for maintaining high academic standards, said Jay Johnson, vice president of Government for Business Objects. Using Business Objects, everyone from superintendents to teachers can access the information required to help their students succeed.