Source 1 Solutions Ltd, Hinckley, Leicestershire, part of the Source 1 Group Plc, is offering Los Altos, California-based Minx Software Inc’s MFG1 on-line transaction processing MRPII manufacturing application on DEC’s MIPS Computer Systems Inc RISC-based workstations and servers in the UK, following an exclusive distribution and software development agreement signed with the US firm. Started in June by former Misys Group managers Paul Heron and Paul Hacker, the group is spending UKP1m to make itself DEC’s number one RISC/Ultrix house in the UK. Minx has around 110 MFG1 installations worldwide – MFG1 was designed by developers responsible for Ask Computer Systems’ ManMan product, who then went on to found Minx. Source 1 Group will be dealing solely in DEC RISC products and is offering MFG1 at from UKP20,000.