Embedded RISC chip designer Mips Technologies Inc has set out a new technology stall that for the first time does not include mainstream CPUs or parent Silicon Graphics Inc standing over it. Mips will deliver new 32-bit Jade and 64-bit Opal and Ruby cores that provide entry-level, mid-range and high-end performance. They are designed for use by third parties as the basis for custom ASIC chips. Jade is the successor to Mips’ well- established but long-in-the-tooth R3000 family. It inherits 32- bit mode features from the 64-bit R4000 CPU which has already come and gone for use in the general purpose system-level microprocessor market. It will clock up to 150MHz and is compatible with Mips’ R3000 cores. It’s due in the second quarter of next year. Opal inherits R5000-class features. Both will be made available as cores for specific manufacturing processes and as customizable products. Ruby will be made available as an embedded CPU and later as a customizable core.