MIPS Computer Systems Inc’s new RISC/os 5.0, launched on Monday and available by the end of the year, includes support for Unix System V.4 applications and the V.4 development environments, the Sunnyvale company says. RISC/os 5.0 also bundles a number of products and features that were previously available separately – the Data Manager Plus disk and file management system for high-performance database management applications, and performance enhancements such as dynamic shared objects and internationalisation capabilities such as Multi-National Language Support 4.0. Another release scheduled for the end of the first quarter 1992, RISC/os 5.10, will provide support for symmetric multiprocessing, C2 security and bi-endian computing. RISC/os 5.0 also incorporates extensive support for System V.3 and BSD 4.3 Unixes and will will provide a fully compatible migration path to either of the two Unix operating system environments specified by the Advanced Computing Environment initiative – Unix System V.4 and the OSF/1-derived Open Desktop.