Embedded chip design company, MIPS Technologies Inc put in a strong showing for its first quarter of financial year 2000 and seems to be reducing its former reliance on Nintendo Co for license revenues. The company made revenues of $18.9m, up 55% on the same period last year. Contract license revenues made up $7.1m of that total.

On the back of its earnings announcements, MIPS said that set-top box maker General Instruments Corp has licensed its MIPS32 32-bit core technology. MIPS has been heavily reliant on Nintendo for revenues – its core designs were used in the Nintendo N64 console – however, the company has been steadily trying move away from Nintendo as it main source of revenue. Nintendo made 49% of its overall revenues this quarter as opposed to 71% last time. MIPS designs are also being used in the new Sony Corp machine – although it is not clear when revenues from the Playstation 2 will come online.