Ironically, in contrast to its unhappy Internet adventures in the US, where all the money has been going, Rupert Murdoch’s London- based Times and Sunday Times have created what is by common consent the best Internet World Wide Web site by a major newspaper so far. – o RJSC Gasprom, RSC Energia, JSC Gascom, and Loral Corp have signed a joint venture agreement to manufacture, launch and operate communications satellites to manufacture and sell geostationary and high elliptical orbiting communications satellites which will be put up using Energia’s Yamal satellite bus. – o Square Co Ltd has announced its defection from the Nintendo Co Ltd camp for the Sony Computer Entertainment Inc PlayStation. It says that it will stop developing 16-bit game software for Nintendo’s Super Famicom machines after it starts selling two software titles in February and one each in March, April and May, and will concentrate on PlayStation software after that. In Japan, it has sold 9.12million copies of the Final Fantasy series for use on Famicom.