The San Diego, California-based company claims its Deki Wiki software is being installed over 500 times per day, which if true makes it the fastest growing Wiki on the market today.

MindTouch released Deki Wiki just over a year ago as a free download off the Internet as a General Public License v2. The software provides a platform for collaborating on data held on disparate applications and databases through a WYSIWYG user interface that includes tools for editing, version control, indexing, and more.

MindTouch has since expanded Deki Wiki’s language support and pumped over 100 new features into the software including SOA extensions and virtual appliance capabilities – both industry firsts according to the company.

The software now also integrates with online services, including Google Analytics, ThinkFree Office, Windows Live Controls, and the Windows Desktop for Wiki management capabilities.

Aaron Fulkerson, co-founder and vice president of products at MindTouch, said that a thriving user community is the driving force behind a 50% uptake in the Wiki software each month.

Our ability to grow a global community so quickly is largely attributable to our product. Early adopters have emphatically voted for MindTouch with their downloads.

MindTouch was founded in 2005 by ex-Microsoft executives. Last summer the company rolled out a hosted appliance configuration for Microsoft’s Managed Office Server Wiki that is aimed at small and medium-sized businesses. It has also pushed its Wiki capabilities into popular email systems like Microsoft Outlook.

Deki Wiki is also used internally by Microsoft and other large commercial enterprises like Fujitsu and British Petroleum.