Diba Inc, the Menlo Park, California-based company set up by Oracle refugees to find cost-effective ways of connecting up devices other than personal computers to the Internet, has signed up its second real-time operating systems vendor in the shape of Microware Systems Corp. Microware, which already has a deal with Diba rivals Spyglass Inc (CI No 3,057), says that the Diba software will now be its preferred solution for customers interested in creating Internet-enabled devices, such as televisions, set-top boxes, network computers and smart telephones. Microware will be bundling Diba’s Information Appliance Suite version 2.0 in with its own OS-9 real-time operating system. The companies are coordinating efforts to produce browser and electronic mail software aimed at the smart products now hitting the high-growth consumer market. Integrated Systems Inc struck a similar deal with Diba for its pSOS embedded real-time system at the beginning of this month (CI No 3,193).