Microstrategy Inc has released the fifth version of its online analytical processing engine DSS Server, its main focus being on saving time and money when it comes to developing data marts. The DSS Server 5.0 enables users to create data marts directly from an enterprise warehouse, eliminating the need for a database administrator to manually create the marts. The new product offering will chop application development time and will enable off-line analysis and seamless integration with direct mail, data mining and other applications. The Vienna, Virginia company has included the Data Mart Wizard, a feature designed to show users the step-by-step process of creating and storing data marts with the idea in mind of more focused business analysis. Data Marts created with DSS 5.0 should be suitable to serve as departmental applications, and can be moved to individual machines to carry out high-speed off-line analysis. Microstrategy estimates the DSS Server could improve scalabilty within the architecture from some 10 to 20 users to around 1,000. With version 6.0 already in development – the data mart aspect of the product will be built upon further – the DSS Server sits at the heart of Microstrategy’s relational online analytical processing architecture, accounting for a considerable proportion of its revenues. The company is targeting its product at all major markets, but it is particularly prominent in the retail, banking and finance sectors. The product is available now, on a world wide basis.