MicroStrategy, a provider of business intelligence (BI) software, said that it will offer a mobile application platform for developing and deploying iPhone Apps.

The company claims that the new software reduces the time to develop new iPhone Apps as it includes the infrastructure needed to support each new iPhone App. MicroStrategy’s iPhone applications do not require any coding.

The mobile app platform also enables iPhone Apps to be assembled in a point-and-click fashion and app creators can choose from an array of iPhone-optimised displays and controls, the company said.

In addition, the mobile app platform also uses an on-demand form of application deployment called ‘in-stream’ deployment, enabling updated applications to be instantly available to iPhone users, MicroStrategy said.

Sanju Bansal, COO at MicroStrategy, said: MicroStrategy’s many years of experience in providing scalable, enterprise-class platform technology enables us to deliver a mobile application platform that is both industrial-strength and highly flexible.

Our new mobile app platform gives companies the flexibility to create a broad array of intuitive business applications that seamlessly access back-end databases and systems, and delivers the same high performance and ease of management and administration that is expected from MicroStrategy.