Microsoft Russia has announced the results of its last financial year, July 1995 to June 1996. Microsoft revenue in the former Soviet Union excluding Belarus, Ukraine and the Baltic States in fiscal 1996 was $13.85m, up 14.8% from $12.06m in fiscal 1995. Not including OEM sales, desktop and server operating systems accounted for 44% of sales, applications accounted for 44%, development tools for 7% and all other products, 5%. OEM sales yielded $3.4m, 25% of the grand total. Operating system sales comprised about 280,000 licenses, including 100,000 Windows products. The number of copies of Windows95 shipped, excluding OEM sales, was three times larger than sales of Windows 3.X. 32-bit operating systems, Windows NT and Windows95, accounted for 70% of all operating system sales. There was a decline in corporate sales in Russia in 1996 which Microsoft puts down to the general pre-election lull in the corporate market. Microsoft also announced that its number one market in Eastern Europe in fiscal 1996 was the Czech Republic with $35m in sales.