Microsoft Corp today introduces MS Excel version 3.0 For Windows, OS/2 and Apple Computer Inc’s Macintosh, claiming that it has more than 100 new features. The Windows 3.0 version is out now at $500, the OS/2 and Macintosh versions will ship sometime in the first half. The Windows 3.0 version needs an 80286 up with 1Mb – 2Mb recommended, hard disk with at least 3Mb free, high density floppy and EGA, VGA, 8514/A or Hercules graphics board. The Mac version needs the same memory – 2Mb minimum with MultiFinder or System 7.0; System 6.03 or higher or Finder 6.1 or higher, floppy and 3Mb of hard disk space. The OS/2 version needs OS/2 1.2 at least 2.5Mb on an 80286 box up, and the same floppy and hard disk space.