Shrugging off the suit from Apple Computer Inc, Microsoft Corp and Hewlett-Packard Co have agreed to work together to develop and market Microsoft’s Excel spreadsheet for the HP NewWave environment, which is based on Microsoft Windows 2.0. The enhancements for NewWave will be integrated with the standard Excel so that customers will not need to buy a special version; it should be available in mid-1989. Separately, Hewlett-Packard Co said it will cut prices up to 18% on its Vectra ES and Vectra RS personal computers, effective July 1 in the US, and the company acknowledges taht competitive market conditions as well as increased sales volume are behind the price cuts. It is also including 3.5 1.44Mb floppy drives Video Graphics Adapters with the Vectra CS, ES and ES-12 boxes. The Vectra RS-20 Model 300 falls 12.5% to $10,500 and the Vectra ES 12 Model 46 is cut 13% to $4,000.