Microsoft Corp is shipping SQL Server version 4.2, designed for building Windows-based client-server systems. SQL Server 4.2 incorporates distributed data management, Windows-based server administration, enhanced development tools for Windows and extensible interconnection through Open Data Services. The product provides Windows users with access to DB2, CICS, Oracle, Ingres, Informix and SQL/DS and the Open Data Services component enables them to access on-line information services, electronic mail systems, remote files and databases. It runs across Microsoft LAN Manager, Novell Inc NetWare, IBM Corp LAN Server and Banyan Systems Inc Vines. The new Windows-based server administration facility is designed to enable administrators to configure, tune and back up multiple SQL Server systems from a single desktop. A new scrollable cursor applications programming interface enables rapid development of data browsing applications for Windows, MS-DOS and other workstation environments. And Open Data Services, included with 4.2, offers a foundation for building gateway services and provides integration with a variety of external applications and data sources. There is a database device mirroring facility and enhanced recovery features. Dynamic back-up to tape devices enables back-ups to be done while users are accessing and updating the database. Microsoft is also now including an optimised hardware-independent version of OS/2 for network servers in the box with SQL Server 4.2. The developer system is $1,500, a 10-user system is $3,000 and an unlimited user system is $8,000. It’s available now.