These servers are expected to bring the power of Microsoft’s enterprise-class server technologies to small and midsize companies in a way that companies can best consume them. They are designed and priced to help customers save money and compete successfully in the global marketplace, said Microsoft.

Large enterprises typically have specialists on staff with the technical knowledge, budgets and time needed to manage IT environments – a luxury small and midsize businesses can rarely afford. SBS and EBS are expected to help reduce the setup and ongoing management of IT, while enabling new scenarios to enhance end-user productivity, as well as saving companies money on license costs.

Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft, said: Around the world, small and midsize businesses are the engine that drives economic growth and opportunity. To help these businesses succeed, Microsoft has focused on creating integrated, affordable server solutions that are optimized to meet the needs of companies with limited IT resources. Small Business Server and Essential Business Server deliver a comprehensive set of capabilities that will help small and midsize business thrive and grow.