The speech and telephony platform, which is slated for release in the fall, has new tools that simplify the development process of self-service applications for customers, as well as new speech recognition capabilities based on statistical modeling, according to Microsoft.

Microsoft said the new latest Speech Server, the company’s third release, also makes it quicker for enterprises to diagnose and resolve problems with an application before customers are affected.

We believe that software can create a great self-service experience, said Rich Bray, general manager of Microsoft Speech Server, in a statement. The powerful tools in Speech Server 2007 dramatically reduce the cost and complexity of building and maintaining customer-friendly self-service systems, freeing your agents to focus on high-value transactions and high-touch customer service.

Developers can build speech apps using various languages, including Speech Application Language Tags (SALT), Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) or Microsoft .NET.